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Retos-Nuevas Tendencias En Educacion Fisica Deporte Y Recreacion ; - (48):235-243, 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2310019


Changes in educational paradigms have affected the understanding of how individuals learn. The emergence of Covid-19 has created unprecedented disruption in the education systems. This study attempts to analyse students' perceptions of their learning profile before and after Covid-19, using two different cohorts of students from five schools. Participated in October 2019 (first application) 369 students, and in November 2021 (second application) 294 students. These are students of two educational cycles: grades 7-9 and 10-12. The Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory questionnaire has seven dimensions: 'and learning', 'critical curiosity', 'creativity', 'learning relationships', 'strategic awareness', 'resilience';and it was administered to understand how students self-assess their learning profile. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated to analyse the data and detect possible differences in the learning profiles. The results show that students in grades 7-9 seem to have been the most affected by Covid-19 (means were statistically significant in all dimensions except 'resilience') when compared to students in grades 10-12 (statistically significant only in 'critical curiosity', 'learning relationships' and 'meaning making' dimensions). In conclusion, the learning profiles have changed between the applications in both cycles. A higher percentage of students rated themselves worse in almost all dimensions in the sec-ond application. However, the increased autonomy during Covid-19 could explain the average increases in 'resilience' in grades 7-9 and 'creativity' in grades 10-12 from the first to the second application.

Finisterra ; 57(120):103-123, 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2300447


After COVID-19, local and regional stakeholders need to generate conditions that will enable them to assert themselves in a climate of insecurity. The pandemic has triggered new paradigms of competitiveness, which drive various stakeholders linked to tourist destinations to stimulate business activity, supporting their economic viability. The key issue focuses not only on appeal to tourists, but also on attracting residents and businesses. Attracting innovative businesses involves knowing the motivations of entrepreneurs and what attributes they value in tourist destinations, which drives them to invest. To answer this objective, we developed a cross-sectional study, of exploratory nature, through a self- -administered survey by questionnaire, addressed to entrepreneurs in the Central Region of Portugal. Data were collected between January and May 2021, obtaining 138 responses. The questionnaire was submitted to reliability, and validation analyses and to principal component analysis (PCA). Matrices of variance and covariance (MANOVA) were analysed, aiming to test differences in responses between groups. The results suggest that ‘Resources' and the ‘Territorial brand' are determining factors in the investment of new businesses or the development of existing ones. In addition, conditions that influence the entrepreneurial initiative include the match between the entrepreneur's objectives and the characteristics of the territory, particularly the link between this and the identity of the region © Published under the terms and conditions of an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ; 78(Supplement 111):340, 2023.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2295394


Background: Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is being used for the first time as an excipient in mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV- 2 containing PEG 2000, highlighting it as a potential cause of anaphylaxis. We aim to report clinical cases of severe allergy to PEG and furthermore to assess the usefulness of skin tests (ST) performed with the commercial extract PEG 1500 for the allergy work-up of patients with suspected allergy to SARS-CoV- 2 vaccines. Method(s): We evaluated 126 patients with moderate to high risk of allergy to SARS-CoV- 2 vaccination referred to our Allergy Department from March to December 2021. ST were performed with extract PEG 1500 (Roxall), using the following methodology: prick tests with 0.1%, 1% and 10% concentrations, with readings at 30 minutes (according to manufacturer's instructions);if negative, intradermal tests (IDT) were performed with the 1/10 dilution (0.01%), except in cases of anaphylaxis, where dilutions 1/1000 and 1/100 were used (adapted from previous publication using PEG 20000). Immediate IDT readings were made at 30 minutes and delayed readings at 24 hours. The same protocol was applied to 5 healthy controls who received PEGylated vaccines. Result(s): We present 6 cases of severe PEG allergy: one near-fatal anaphylaxis after glucocorticoid injection containing PEG 3350 and five systemic allergic reactions after mRNA vaccine containing PEG 2000 (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna). All patients had positive immediate IDT using PEG 1500 allowing the diagnosis and the selection of vaccine without PEG. All of them were negative to polysorbate 80. One patient developed anaphylaxis following IDT 0.01%. In the remaining 120 patients, the ST using PEG 1500 were negative in immediate and delayed reading of IDT. Seven patients were positive to polysorbate 80. All healthy controls had negative ST using PEG 1500. Conclusion(s): To our knowledge this is the first case series describing the allergy work-up testing with commercial extract PEG 1500 in the scope of SARS-CoV- 2 vaccination. ST using extract PEG 1500 revealed to be a useful tool for the diagnosis of PEG allergy, since it allowed confirming six cases of severe PEG allergy, contraindicating the further administration of PEGylated vaccines. It also allowed allergy exclusion in one hundred cases that took afterwards SARS-CoV- 2 vaccines containing PEG 2000. Moreover, healthy controls had negative IDT demonstrating the reliability of the proposed procedure. Investigation should only be conducted in a specialized drug allergy centre.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S666, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179224


Objetivos: Este estudo investigou o efeito da terapia com Plasma Convalescente (PC) na melhora clinica de pacientes hospitalizados com diagnostico de COVID-19 grave admitidos no Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Material e Metodos: Ensaio clinico randomizado aberto avaliando o efeito de duas doses de 300 mL de terapia de PC administrada com intervalo de 48 horas nos primeiros 14 dias do inicio dos sintomas em pacientes graves e criticamente doentes com COVID-19 em comparacao com Tratamento Padrao (TP). O desfecho primario foi a proporcao de pacientes com melhora clinica de 28 dias apos entrada no estudo. Os Anticorpos Neutralizantes (AN) foram determinados em todas unidades de plasma do doador e no soro do paciente, coletados nos dias 0 e 3 (apos a segunda infusao de plasma). Alem disso, parametros laboratoriais foram avaliados nos dias 0 (pre-infusao), 3 (pos-segunda infusao), 7 e 14 apos a inscricao em pacientes hospitalizados. Resultados: Foram avaliados 443 pacientes quanto a elegibilidade ao estudo e destes 160 foram arrolados, 80 no grupo PC+TP e 80 no grupo TP. Os resultados abaixo correspondem a mediana (Intervalo Interquartil [IQR]). A idade foi de 60,5 (48,0-68,0) anos, 93 (58,1%) eram do sexo masculino e o tempo desde o inicio dos sintomas ate a randomizacao foi de 10 (8-12) dias. Ao todo, 133 (83,1%) pacientes apresentaram titulos de AN acima de 1:80 na randomizacao (mediana 1:1280, IQR 1:320-1:2560). Destaca-se que todos, exceto dois pacientes, estavam recebendo glicocorticoides no momento da entrada no estudo. A mediana dos titulos de AN do doador de plasma administrado a pacientes do grupo de intervencao foi de 1:320 (1:160-1:960), o que foi significativamente menor do que os titulos de AN basais dos pacientes antes da infusao (p<0,001). No dia 3, houve um aumento significativo nos titulos de AN na intervencao do que no grupo controle (p=0,001) em relacao aos titulos na randomizacao (dia 0). Ainda, a proporcao de pacientes com melhora clinica no dia 28 foi de 61,3% no grupo PC+TP e 65,0% no grupo TP. Os resultados foram semelhantes nos subgrupos criticamente doentes e graves. Alem disso, nao houve diferenca significativa entre os grupos PC+TP e TP em desfechos secundarios pre-estabelecidos, incluindo mortalidade em 28 dias. Discussao: Os achados clinicos e laboratoriais sao coerentes com ensaios clinicos anteriores que nao encontraram beneficio significativo da terapia com PC em pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19. Entre os grupos intervencao e controle, nao houve diferenca estatisticamente significativa nos resultados, incluindo mortalidade em 14 e 28 dias. Ressalta-se que um ponto forte do atual estudo e que praticamente todos pacientes foram tratados com corticosteroides, principalmente dexametasona, uma vez que SOC e outros medicamentos nao foram usados. Conclusao: Neste ensaio clinico as duas infusoes de terapia com plasma convalescente mais tratamento padrao em comparacao ao tratamento padrao nao resultaram em maior proporcao de melhora clinica no dia 28 em pacientes acometidos com COVID-19 grave. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S627, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179199


Objetivo: A hemoterapia engloba diversos profissionais da area da saude envolvidos desde a captacao de doadores de sangue ate os processos laboratoriais e disponibilizacao das unidades para transfusao de hemocomponentes. Nesse contexto, surge a necessidade de um evento multidisciplinar que visa promover a integracao entre os profissionais da area e qualificar academicos que atuarao na area. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar a experiencia de organizar a "V Jornada da Liga do Sangue" em formato online, permitindo a continuidade do evento no periodo da pandemia. Materiais e Metodos: A "V Jornada da Liga do Sangue" foi realizada de modo virtual, sendo exibida em formato de Live, atraves do canal do YouTube da Liga Academica do Sangue da Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre (LiSan-UFCSPA). O evento ocorreu em 2 dias, com carga horaria total de 7 horas. As inscricoes foram gratuitas e com certificacao. O primeiro dia de evento contou com palestras que abordaram o ciclo do sangue e controle de qualidade dos hemocomponentes, imunofenotipagem e genotipagem no Banco de Sangue. No segundo dia foi abordada a caracterizacao de leucemias, diagnostico e manejo clinico. Resultados: O evento foi planejado visando a participacao em tempo real e acesso universal durante as palestras, com o nivel de complexidade dos assuntos ocorrendo de forma escalonada. No primeiro e segundo dia de evento, o numero de participantes foi de 501 e 322, respectivamente. No final do evento, foi elaborado um formulario para computar a presenca dos participantes, para disponibilizacao dos certificados, e tambem duas perguntas para medir a organizacao e relevancia do evento para o aprendizado, sendo elas: "Como voce avaliaria o conteudo das palestras ministradas na data de hoje?" e "Como voce avaliaria a organizacao do evento?". Na avaliacao haviam as opcoes "otimo", "bom", "regular", "ruim"ou "pessimo". Tambem foi disponibilizado um espaco para comentarios. Dos 229 formularios respondidos, para a pergunta "Como voce avaliaria a organizacao do evento?";93,01% das respostas dos dias 1 e 2 do evento foram avaliadas como "otimas", seguidas de 6,55% avaliadas como "bom" e 0,44% como "regular". Para a pergunta "Como voce avaliaria o conteudo das palestras ministradas na data de hoje?", tambem para os dois dias avaliados;95,20% classificaram como "otimo" e 4,80% como "bom". Nao houveram marcacoes nas categorias "ruim" ou "pessimo". Discussao: Em decorrencia da pandemia da COVID-19, utilizou-se a internet para realizacao do evento, permitindo a adaptacao do formato presencial, utilizado nas edicoes anteriores, para o formato online. Foi possivel proporcionar um ambiente de divulgacao cientifica e conexao entre diferentes assuntos que englobam o sangue, alem de engajar profissionais e estudantes na construcao de um aprendizado na area. Conclusao: O evento atingiu mais de 800 pessoas e proporcionou troca de saberes e aprendizagem para o publico. Os palestrantes buscaram usar uma linguagem acessivel para falar sobre os assuntos. Dessa forma, o evento ajudou a salientar a importancia do dialogo entre os diferentes profissionais da saude e a comunidade, principalmente sobre a captacao de doadores e sendo uma fonte segura de informacoes. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S626, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179198


Objetivo: As ligas academicas tem o objetivo de reunir estudantes com interesses em areas em comum e promover discussoes e diversas atividades voltadas ao tripe da extensao universitaria: ensino, pesquisa e extensao. Para acessar a comunidade, a Liga do Sangue (LiSan) da UFCSPA produz conteudos de divulgacao cientifica sobre os nichos de hematologia, hemoterapia e incentivo a doacao de sangue na rede social Instagram e, atraves de suas metricas, e possivel documentar seu alcance diante dos seguidores do perfil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo produzir e divulgar conteudo cientifico acessivel ao publico tanto da comunidade interna quanto externa a Universidade. Materiais e Metodos: Ao longo do periodo de 12 meses, foram produzidos conteudos informativos pelas comissoes: cientifica, responsavel pelas pesquisas bibliograficas, e de marketing, responsavel pela identidade visual da LiSan. As artes sao elaboradas atraves da ferramenta Canva, com linguagem acessivel, na forma de posts e stories da plataforma Instagram no perfil (@ligadosangue). Alem disso, a fim de promover mais acessibilidade e inclusao, a comissao responsavel pelas redes sociais da LiSan disponibiliza em cada postagem legendas e descricoes com a hashtag #PraCegoVer. Os conteudos abordados sao desde o formato de curiosidades breves relacionadas a doacao de sangue e outros aspectos referentes ao tecido hematopoietico, como o quadro "Voce Sabia?", ate publicacoes abordando conceitos de doencas hematologicas e sua ligacao com a transfusao de sangue. Tambem sao elaborados stories com conceitos comuns na hematologia, como os tipos de hemocomponentes, para facilitar o entendimento do publico leigo que tem acesso a esses conceitos nas publicacoes. Ademais, a ferramenta reels, videos da plataforma, foi usada para confeccao de um tutorial mostrando as etapas da doacao em um banco de sangue. Resultados: Neste periodo de 1 ano foram produzidos e publicados 24 posts, 5 stories e 1 reels, os quais tiveram um alcance de, em media 621 contas, sendo o post com melhor alcance foi o "Voce Sabia? Homens que fazem Sexo com Homens (HSH) podem doar sangue", com 1353 contas atingidas. Discussao: Nos ultimos 2 anos, com a pandemia causada pelo COVID-19, foi evidenciada a importancia das redes sociais na divulgacao cientifica com informacoes confiaveis e de qualidade. Como Liga Academica de uma Universidade Federal, a LiSan tem como um dos seus pilares a extensao e portanto, faz da divulgacao cientifica uma de suas prioridades e utiliza as redes sociais como ferramenta para impulsionar os conhecimentos para fora dos limites fisicos da Universidade. Conclusao: As redes sociais sao, atualmente, uma forma alternativa de promover o dialogo entre a universidade e a populacao, de forma que se torna uma ferramenta essencial e pratica para a divulgacao cientifica. A conta do Instagram da LiSan tem, ate o momento, 1849 seguidores e atinge mais de 600 pessoas por publicacao, evidenciando o seu papel social de propagacao de conhecimentos e informacoes em ciencia de qualidade e confiavel com acesso facilitado. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S624, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179197


Objetivo: Analisar comparativamente as caracteristicas relativas aos gastos destinados a saude para tratamento de pacientes internados por Leucemias antes, durante e apos a pandemia de COVID-19 no Piaui. Materiais e Metodos: O estudo ecologico, de carater descritivo e retrospectivo. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos mediante o Departamento de Informatica do Sistema Unico de Saude (DATASUS), em que foi analisado o perfil de internacoes ocasionadas por leucemias, os gastos empreendidos com esses pacientes, o tempo medio de permanencia, a quantidade total de internacoes e o numero de obitos no periodo de janeiro de 2019 a maio de 2022. Os dados foram agrupados no Microsoft Excel, realizada analise estatistica descritiva, frequencia absoluta e relativa. Resultados: Durante a pandemia, houve reducao de 14,6% no numero de internacoes (779 em 2019 e 665 em 2020) e de 35,5% no valor total gasto com pacientes portadores de Leucemia no estado do Piaui (R$ 2.287.368,42 em 2019 e R$ 1.476.495,97 em 2020). A tendencia foi seguida nos anos de 2021 e 2022 (R$ 1.367.601,50 em 2021 e R$ 611.316,64 ate maio 2022). A media de permanencia em 2019 foi de 8,6 dias, enquanto no periodo de pandemico e pos-pandemico reduziu para 8 dias. O numero de obitos tambem obteve queda de 34,3% quando comparado ao ano anterior da pandemia de COVID-19 (67 obitos em 2019 e 44 obitos em 2020). Discussao: As leucemias compoem um grupo heterogeneo de neoplasias hematologicas resultantes da transformacao total ou parcial das celulas blasticas. Essa doenca tem o carater de alta prevalencia e taxa de mortalidade consideravel, tornando-se imprescindivel tomar estrategias a fim de assegurar a deteccao precoce, que e obtido com a associacao do diagnostico precoce com o rastreamento, segundo a organizacao mundial de saude. O diagnostico precoce acontece quando se tem profissionais bem treinados e uma populacao bem-informada acerca dos sinais e sintomas das leucemias e com acesso garantido as unidades de saude, enquanto o rastreio e uma busca ativa entre um grupo especifico de pessoas que tem maiores chances de virem a desenvolver. Durante a pandemia essa deteccao precoce foi prejudicada e, contrariando as estatisticas, os numeros de novos casos diminuiu, consequencia do foco das campanhas e da deteccao precoce ter sido direcionado ao COVID-19, sugerindo tambem subnotificacoes, os numeros de internacoes caiu, consequencia da falta de leitos, que eram destinados aos pacientes com sindromes respiratorias no periodo de 2020. A queda nos gastos tambem e consequencia da propria diminuicao das internacoes, mas tambem das verbas para saude publica terem sido mais direcionadas para dar suporte ao tratamento dos pacientes com COVID-19. Isso pode ser inferido atraves da analise de custo medio por paciente. Por fim, a queda do numero de obitos tambem foi alta, mas se manteve inalterada entre 2020 e 2021, o que sugere falta de autopsia e ate subnotificacao e notificacoes erroneas, tendo em vista que pacientes leucemicos sao mais propensos a infeccoes, como a propria COVID. Infere-se que os pacientes leucemicos do Piaui tenham ido a obito e notificados como por COVID ou procurado assistencia em maiores polos de saude em outros estados. Conclusao: Apos a analise comparativa dos dados coletados, pode-se concluir que houve uma diminuicao significativa, tanto na quantidade e tempo medio de internacoes e na mortalidade, quanto nos gastos para cuidar desses pacientes. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S85-S86, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179113


Objetivo: Analisar de forma comparativa os aspectos relativos aos gastos referentes a saude para o tratamento de pacientes hospitalizados com doenca de Hodgkin no estado do Piaui. Materiais e metodos: O estudo ecologico e de carater descritivo e retrospectivo. Sendo utilizado os dados fornecidos pelo Departamento de Informatica do Sistema Unico de Saude (DATASUS) na secao do Sistema de Informacoes Hospitalares do SUS (SIH/SUS). As informacoes analisadas foram: o perfil de internacoes pelo linfoma de Hodgkin, total de internacoes, os gastos hospitalares das internacoes, a media do tempo de permanencia dos pacientes, alem do numero de obitos no periodo entre janeiro 2017 e maio de 2022. Para melhor organizacao destes dados, os mesmos foram agrupados no aplicativo Microsoft Excel, onde se realizou a analise estatistica descritiva e a frequencia absoluta junto a relativa. Resultados: No intervalo de 2017 a 2021, houve uma queda no numero de internacoes de 37,3% (94 em 2017 e 59 em 2021). De forma simultanea, se observou variacoes dos gastos hospitalares das internacoes: de 2017 a 2019 reduziu-se cerca de 27% (R$ 94.605,98 em 2017 e R$ 68.994,17 em 2019), em 2020 (periodo da pandemia da COVID-19) aumentou cerca de 38,7% em relacao ao ano anterior (R$ 95.706,10 em 2020), decaindo 5,8% em 2021 (R$ 90.120,19), seguido de um aumento aproximado de 12% ate maio de 2022 (R$ 100.903,05). Alem disso, em relacao ao periodo medio de permanencia dos pacientes entre janeiro de 2018 a maio de 2022, se evidenciou um prolongamento: 4,8 dias em 2018;5,2 em 2019;6,5 em 2020;6 em 2021 e 7,9 ate maio de 2022. Por fim, analisando o numero de obitos, o ano de 2017 apresentou o maior numero de obitos (8 mortes), discrepando do que foi observado em 2020 (periodo de pandemia de COVID-19) com notificacao de apenas uma morte (reducao de 25% em relacao a 2019 - 4 mortes). Discussao: Observa-se que o numero de internacoes no estado do Piaui esta inversamente proporcional ao valor total das despesas (aumento dos gastos com a diminuicao de internacoes), tendo em vista que a media de permanencia nos hospitais vem aumentando. Durante a pandemia da COVID-19, os valores totais dos custos foram significativos, podendo suspeitar de uma maior gravidade do quadro clinico nos pacientes com linfoma de Hodgkin pela imunossupressao, necessitando de maiores suportes. Os obitos apresentaram uma tendencia decrescente, principalmente durante o periodo da pandemia, na qual muitos casos podem ter sido subnotificados. Conclusao: Dessa forma, a partir desta pesquisa descritiva, e possivel concluir que os hospitais tiveram um gasto maior com o passar dos anos, bem como um aumento da media de permanencia dos pacientes. Alem disso, infere-se que a pandemia da COVID-19 contribuiu para que esses gastos crescessem de forma exponencial. Copyright © 2022

Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol ; 2022 Dec 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2156034


Summary: Background. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is being used for first time as an excipient for mRNA anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines containing-PEG2000, highlighting it as a potential cause of anaphylaxis. Objective. To assess the usefulness of skin tests using PEG1500 extract in patients with suspected allergy to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Methods. We evaluated 126 patients with moderate-high risk of allergy to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines referred to our department from March-December 2021. Skin tests were performed with PEG1500 extract (Roxall), using a stepwise approach, with readings at 30 minutes: prick tests with 0.1%, 1% and 10% concentrations; if negative, intradermal tests with 0.0001%, 0.001% and 0.01% concentrations. The same protocol was applied to 5 healthy controls. Results. Six patients had positive immediate intradermal tests with PEG1500, all with severe PEG allergy: one with a near-fatal anaphylaxis after glucocorticoid injection containing-PEG3350 and five with systemic allergic reactions after mRNA vaccines containing-PEG2000 (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna). One patient developed anaphylaxis during intradermal test. These six patients were negative to polysorbate 80. The remaining 120 patients had negative tests to PEG1500; seven had positive tests to polysorbate 80. All controls had negative tests. Conclusions. To our knowledge this is the first study describing the allergy work-up testing with PEG1500 commercial extract in the scope of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. The algorithm designed for skin tests revealed to be a useful tool. Severe PEG allergy was diagnosed in 5% of patients, contraindicating PEG-containing vaccines. PEG allergy was excluded in one hundred patients that afterwards took SARS-CoV-2 vaccines containing-PEG2000. Investigation should be conducted in specialized drug allergy centres.

13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2021 ; 1:425-436, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2045307


The Covid-19 world pandemic and the ensuing closure of schools has resulted in unprecedented emergency remote teaching. In teaching-learning settings in Northeastern Brazil, teachers often face challenges when they try to use innovative pedagogical approaches and introduce innovative technologies to transform students into agents of change in our culturally diverse world through the application of learning. Such challenges were augmented further with the pandemic as the forced systemic use of these technologies was no longer a pedagogical choice but was quickly turned into the general rule for all educators – even those who were not familiar with these technologies. In addition, pandemic traumas such as domestic confinement, social isolation, fear, uncertainty, and anxiety about the future, weakened the emotional health of everyone involved in education by reducing or sometimes even paralyzing the creative processes essential to learning. The result of this new condition was a tangible increase in dropout rates, poor school performance and low self-esteem for teachers and students alike. Home confinement also increased domestic violence, including child abuse and particularly, violence against women. This paper presents a serious game, called Despandemia, for building libraries of interactive gamified books and ubiquitous reading communities. The game is accessible by cell phone and based on the humanistic performative attitude of a teacher-reader in collaborative projects of online socio-cultural entrepreneurship. Despandemia was used and evaluated by 119 students of an “Introduction to Computer Science” course, in which participants considered violence against women as a predominant theme of the pandemic. Results indicate that the game has a positive influence on 1) decreasing course dropout;2) improving learning performance;and 3) creating connected communities of readers to prevent violence against women. Copyright © 2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved

22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications , ICCSA 2022 ; 13379 LNCS:117-131, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2013915


The work shows an application of Geodesign for metropolitan region of Florianópolis, at Santa Catarina state, Brazil, with focus on reducing carbon emissions considering the future scenarios of 2035 and 2050. The research took place with students from the discipline of Multipurpose Land Registry and Territorial Planning related to doctoral course of the Post-Graduate Program in Territorial Planning and Social-environmental Development (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento Territorial e Desenvolvimento Socioambiental – PPGPLAN) from the State University of Santa Catarina - UDESC in the year 2021. The students had different training and performances, but all to a greater or lesser degree had experience in urban planning, with 25% knowing the methods and concepts of Geodesign. Due to the conditions of social distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the lessons activities took place remotely. Four official weekly meetings and also daily communication were established to carry on the activities, which were performed by WhatsApp, email or even by extra on-line meeting. To assist decision-making on the GISColab Platform, a spreadsheet was created using Excel software that ensured the organization and systematization of proposals, as well as supporting the spatialization of policies and projects. Due to the students’ professional experience, the biggest challenge was shown in the proposition of ideas that corroborated with the initial goal, that was especially focused on territorial planning integrated in multifactorial parameters. In this sense, remote meetings fulfilled the role of initiating remote participatory discussion, sharing ideas and decisions for proposals adopted and approved in groups, but revealed the lack of specialized critical thinking, difficulties in developing territorial planning and defending ideas based on action and reaction that GISColab platform provides. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

HUMANIDADES & INOVACAO ; 9(5):52-67, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1935153


Covid-19 has profoundly marked health and education in particular, with the need for many reconfigurations in the educational context, to readapt to a new model of doing and delivering activities, very different from what is practiced. Through this change, the research proposal of this article arises aiming to analyze the teaching work and a new process of knowledge construction, as well as to evaluate what we learn in and with the Pandemic. The investigation had a quantitative-qualitative approach and the research was exploratory, making use of instruments such as an online google forms questionnaire, with the aim of knowing what the teachers experienced. Once the data was determined, tables and graphs were prepared for a better understanding of the investigated. The theoretical support had bibliographic support and also with authors who provided the understanding of the theme. The studies revealed that for teachers the use of technological resources was a challenge, since in their training there was no training, further evidence of the inequality that already exists in education. As a suggestion, it is emphasized the need to review the training curricula of teachers, and the introduction of technologies in the school curriculum, thus seeking a new process of knowledge construction, to the public authorities, it is alert to venture a closer look. dedicated to the problems that the Covid-19 Pandemic came to show in the educational process.

Mathematics ; 10(10), 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1875690


The COVID-19-induced distance education was perceived as highly challenging by teachers and students. A cross-national comparison of five European countries identified several challenges occurred during the distance learning period. On this basis, the article aims to develop a theoretical framework and design requirements for distance and online learning tools. As one example for online learning in mathematics education, the ASYMPTOTE system is introduced. It will be freely available by May 2022. ASYMPTOTE is aimed at the adaptive and synchronous delivery of online education by taking a mobile learning approach. Its core is the so-called digital classroom, which not only allows students to interact with each other or with the teacher but also enables teachers to monitor their students’ work progress in real time. With respect to the theoretical framework, this article analyses to what extent the ASYMPTOTE system meets the requirements of online learning. Overall, the digital classroom can be seen as a promising tool for teachers to carry out appropriate formative assessment and—partly—to maintain personal and content-related interaction at a distance. Moreover, we highlight the availability of this tool. Due to its mobile learning approach, almost all students will be able to participate in lessons conducted with ASYMPTOTE. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

13th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2022 ; 2022-March:1195-1202, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1874229


In recent years, bibliometrics has been widely used as a methodology for the analysis of scientific production, proving to be an excellent instrument for supporting scientific policy decisions. In this paper, we present a bibliometric analysis of the 12 editions of the Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). Several indicators were used, namely number of submitted articles, the rate of accepted submissions, number of article citations, and the number of references per article, among other indicators. We also intend to add the comparison of the results obtained in the ten first editions held in-site and the last two editions, which have the particularity of having been carried out fully online, evaluating, by this way, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to EDUCON. The results show an increase in the number of papers submitted and published over the years, evidencing a growing notoriety of the conference. The same growth tendency is visible regarding the number of authors involved in the conference. Regarding the impact of the online editions, data from the next edition is still required to establish better comparisons and conclusions. © 2022 IEEE.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S261-S262, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859624


Background: The combination of an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody, Dara, to the main induction protocols (VRd, VTd,VCd) significantly improved the response rate of TE NDMM before transplantation. However, there is a concern regardingthe possible interference in the SC collection and bone marrow engraftment, since SC, to some degree, express CD38on their surface. In the MAX Dara study, Dara-CTd protocol was used sequentially close to the pre- and post-autologousstem cell transplantation-(ASCT) (D-30 and D + 30), in order to take advantage of the molecule's action as an in vivopurge. Aims: In this analysis, we examine the impact of the number of Dara doses administered pre-mobilization on CD34 cellcount, SC apheresis yield, and post-ASCT engraftment. Methods: This is a phase II, open-label single-center clinical trial. The original protocol was Dara-CTd for up to four 28-day induction cycles and Dara-Td for up to four 28 days consolidation cycles. C-1500 mg oral (PO) per cycle, duringcycles 1 to 4, T at 100-200 mg PO on days 1 to 28, during cycles 1-8, (d) at 160 mg PO per cycle, during cycles 1 - 8 andDara at 16 mg/kg/dose intravenous (IV) on days 1,8,15 and 22 during cycles 1 - 2 and every other week in cycles 3 – 8. Because of the Covid pandemic we had to adapted the protocol and moving 5-6 consolidation cycles to be used asinduction, increasing the total dose of Dara from 12 to 16 and the number of cycles from 4 to 6 before ASCT. Granulocytecolony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was administered alone for SC mobilization and plerixafor added based on day 4 preharvestperipheral blood CD34 counts. The target of SC collection was to enable the performance of one ASCT (>2,5 x 106/kg). PMN and platelet engraftment post-ASCT was defined as the first day with sustained PMN count >1000 x 106/L andindependence from platelet transfusion in the preceding 7 days with a count >20 x 109/L, respectively Results: From a total of 21 pts that were included, 19 pts completed mobilization. 12 pts received 12and 7 pts received 16 induction Dara doses, respectively. The median number (range) of daysbetween the last dose of Dara infusion and SC harvest was 23 (16-63) days. A total of five (26%) ptsreceived plerixafor during mobilization. More pts from Dara 16 doses needed plerixafor comparingwith Dara 12 doses (42% vs 16%), but without difference between the groups. Pts underwent amedian (range) of 1 (1-2) days of apheresis. The median number of CD34+ cells collected in the totalgroup was 3.94×106/kg, and no difference was found between Dara 12 vs 16 doses (3.61×106/kg vs4.01x106/kg), p = 0.27. There was no difference in the number of SC collected considering theresponse rate after induction > or < VGPR, and the last day of Dara use > or < 30 days, before SCharvesting. Hematopoietic reconstitution rates were similar for Dara 12 vs 16 doses, a median(range) of 11.0 (9-13) vs 11.0 (11-14) days was required to achieve sustained ANC > 1000 cells/mm3, and a median (range) of 12.0 (9-14) vs 11.0 (8-16) days was required to achieve sustained platelets> 20,000 cells/mm3 without transfusion, respectively. Summary/Conclusion: SC mobilization was feasible with Dara-CTd induction. Despite the more doses of Dara usebefore mobilization increases the need of plerixafor use, the SC number difference was not significant comparing Dara 12vs 16 doses (p = 0.3). The infusion of Dara close to harvest did not interfere with SC collection. Adding DARA to CTdallowed successful transplantation in pts with TE NDMM.

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging ; 48(SUPPL 1):S150-S151, 2021.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1609750
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ; 76(SUPPL 110):484-485, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1570404


Background: COVID-19 vaccines are being administered all over the world, but information is lacking about the frequency and type of allergic reactions associated to these new vaccines. Method: Retrospective study of health care professionals (HCP) from our hospital who received COVID 19 vaccine Comirnaty, between 29/12/2020 and 20/2/2021. We reviewed clinical data, particularly the immediate reactions after the administration (<6h), skin tests (ST) and graded vaccine administration. Following national guidelines, all HCP with previous history of food, drug or hymenoptera venom allergy or idiopathic anaphylaxis (IA) were first evaluated by an allergist. Vaccination was postponed if HCP had previous history of IA and/or recurrent anaphylaxis (RA), severe allergic reactions to vaccines and mast cell activation syndromes. ST to the vaccine (prick and intradermal) were performed in HCP with IA and/ or RA, severe allergic reactions to vaccines and HCP with immediate reactions to the 1st dose. Graded administration of the vaccine (0.1+0.2cc after 30') was performed in the postponed HCP and the ones with immediate reactions to the 1st dose. Results: From 3073 HCP who received the vaccine, 74.2% were female, mean age 40.2 years-old ± 13.4, 316 (10.3%) were evaluated by an allergist and 4 (1.3%) postponed the administration and performed allergy investigation. 2955 HCP (97%) were able to receive the 2 doses of the vaccine. 118 employees received only one dose: 98 had COVID-19 meanwhile, 7 got pregnant, 13 due to other conditions. Adverse reactions to the vaccine with possible hypersensitivity mechanisms, occurred in 17 (0.6%) HCP, 12 on the 1st dose and 5 on the 2nd dose. Observed reactions were 6 (0.2%) urticaria, 5 (0.16%) pruritus with or without flushing, 2 (0.07%) anaphylaxis (mild), 2 (0.07%) flushing and hoarseness, 1 (0.03%) flushing and nausea and 1 (0.03%) asthma exacerbation. ST with the vaccine were performed in 4 HCP, all negative in the immediate reading and 1 positive in non-immediate reading. 7 HCP undertook the graded administration with the vaccine: 6 tolerated, but one reproduced the immediate urticaria with 0.1cc of the vaccine (0.03% vaccine allergy). Conclusion: In the evaluated sample, suspicious allergic reactions to COVID19 vaccine Commirnaty were rare and allergy was only confirmed in one HCP. The allergist initial evaluation was essential for a safe risk stratification and permitted the non-exclusion of a considerable number of HCP from the vaccination program.

International Journal of Gynecological Cancer ; 31(Suppl 4):A96, 2021.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1495508


ObjectivesThe objective is to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the care of gynecologic oncology patients.MethodsThis is a retrospective cohort study of all gynecology oncology new patients treated at Brasilia’s University Hospital - Brazil. We compared to periods: pre-COVID-19 (March 2019 to February 2020) and during COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021).ResultsThere was a 53% reduction in patients with gynecological cancer undergoing treatment at our hospital. The total of surgeries performed was 40 pre and 18 during the pandemic period, a reduction in the surgical volume by 55%. The most operated tumor in the pre-pandemic period was cervix and during was an equal number of surgeries for cervix, endometrial and ovarian cancer. Admissions for chemotherapy or radiotherapy also decreased by 52%. A total of 78 patients underwent cancer treatment before and 37 during the pandemic. The most frequently treated tumor is cervical cancer, with 53 cases in the pre and 26 during the pandemic, followed by ovarian cancer with 14 cases before and only two during the same period. The median waiting time between diagnosis and surgery was 4.44 days longer during the pandemic, as well as the median time to start chemo and radiotherapy was also longer during the pandemic period.ConclusionsWe observed a significant decrease in the number of gynecological cancer patients undergoing treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results will help health professionals to understand the indirect consequences of the pandemic and the role of women’s health care services in minimizing these consequences.